No a la Pirateria / Don't Do Piracy

No a la Pirateria / Don't Do Piracy

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Grand Illusion - View From The Top

Step into the time machine for a trip back to 85 when AOR ruled the world. These swedish fellas now have a complete sound with their 4th album. The first 2 ones were under the name Promotion and they sounded more into the west coast direction with Toto as the main influence. On the 3rd album "The book how to make it" they changed style and became a little tougher with big pompous refrains but had still a bit on the way to go. "View from the top" has everything you want as an AOR freak,large and fluffy produced outstanding 80?s style. The music in itself is a 9 rating but since I am no fan of singer Peter Sundell who has too much of a scandinavian sounding voice, the rating falls to 7 which means the record is very good! Sundell reaches those high notes anyway he pleases and I?m impressed by that,but he?s too weak when it comes to singing with feeling that this genre of AOR needs so bad. I?m thinking of kings and legends like Peppy Castro of Balance,Steve Perry of Journey or Tom Kelly of I-Ten or an example.........they handled it 100% from the heart. But scraping the vocal part off we?re down to masterful writing of heavenly Amazing Overdone Rocknroll. And this style of AOR should be overproduced over and over again,I wouldn?t want it any other way. The keyboards are truly great and echoes the winds of Kansas through some songs like "Battle for you heart" and "I refuse". The harmony vocals couldn?t be done in a better way,lots and lots of thick choirs along the road of AOR wellness. It?s interesting how they have been influenced by another strong swedish pomprock group called A.C.T,I?m thinking about the musical kinda influenced rock on songs like "Zeroes and ones" and "Straight face". Here?s a mix of City Boy,Queen, E.L.O and Le Roux. Grand Illusion is behind one of this years best AOR releases. And then if you would love Sundell?s voice,I?m pretty sure you?re gonna rate this album even higher than I am. AOR is a way of life with Grand Illusion beeing

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